And we can help.

Your Congregation Can Prevent Gun Violence

What we are about…

Every day children, people struggling with mental health, or those in conflict with one another are injured or killed because unwanted guns were available. We have safer communities when weapons are not within reach.

But gun manufacturers are holding the keys. In order to make money they have made guns essential and bought out our legislators. We have more guns than people in our country.

We can make our communities safer and begin to heal from the suffering gun violence has had on our communities, by holding ritual space, and chopping up unwanted guns, one by one by one.

Learn How: Guns to Gardens Action Circles

Action circles prepare people and congregations to host their first Guns to Gardens event.

Our team will walk you through how to invite your congregation into this ministry, how to properly dismantle a gun, how to promote your event, and how to offer pastoral care to those who bring guns to be dismantled. 

Registration open for Spring 2025 cohorts

The action circles will meet for 5 weeks on Thursdays April 24th- May 22nd.

There is a daytime cohort and an evening cohort, please register for one. Each will meet for 1 hour. 

Daytime will meet 12:00pm ET / 11:00am CT / 10:00am MT / 9:00am PT

Evening will meet 7:30pm ET / 6:30pm CT / 5:30pm MT / 4:30pm PT 

Each cohort has 25 spots. Register below!

The James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage

Ready to deepen your engagement in gun violence prevention? The James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage offers hands-on training, practical resources, and a supportive community


Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit


Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit *

Order our Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit today!

80 pages of educational, pastoral and action resources shared by many congregations. We encourage each church to have both the print version and the digital Toolkit, 2024 Edition.

Gun Safety & Safe Storage Cards

These Gun Safety Cards provide simple steps we can take to keep ourselves and our families safe in a world where guns are present in many homes and public places. They can be easily distributed at events, in church or to friends and family.

Share Guns to Gardens with your Congregation

Download the free PDF Guns to Gardens brochure and start talking with your community about how to turn guns into garden tools.

Respond to Gun Violence Events with our Emergency Response Kit

Download the free PDF with suggestions for prayers, hymns, scripture and other worship ideas, as well as action suggestions and a sample vigil.

Wear Guns to Gardens Shirts

Buy T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies in grey, blue, or orange with the Guns to Gardens logo and support the cause while out in your community.