A Prayer for November 2018

Holy One, Do you still look at creation at say “it is good”?Do you still look at your people and believe we are worth saving?What do you say when you look at us today?What do you think when you see what we have done with your good world? We look at the world today and see that antisemitism and racism and sexism continue to kill, this time with assault rifles and pistols.We look at the world today and see that transphobia and Islamophobia continue to kill, now through federal policies and memos.We look at these acts of violence and see that our own faith tradition has birthed and nursed these ideologies for centuries. God, we repent of the sins of white supremacy,of believing your greatness and holiness can be contained only in the Christian tradition,and of believing that only men bear your image when your Word tells us otherwise. We repent in word; help us to repent through our actions.Help us to turn again and again toward you. Help us turn always toward Jesus, your Brown, Jewish, undocumented, Palestinian, unmarried child;Who was a friend to women and workers and people who were pushed aside by powerful people and policies;Who was the descendant of a king, a sex-worker, an unmarried teenager, and migrants. In weeks and months and years like this, it is sometimes difficult to see your image as we look at the world. And yet, Scriptures tell us that you so love the world... so it must be so. May we find ways to reflect and refract and magnify that love with others’ so that your love outshines anything else. May it be so. Amen.


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