ANNOUNCEMENT: Fossil Free PCUSA Now A Project of PPF

photo of Abby and Emily | Presbyterian Peace FellowshipFossil Free PC(USA) and Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF) are pleased to announce a formal partnership in recognition of the crucial link between environmental justice and peacemaking. FFPCUSA will now operate as a project within PPF.In this new relationship, PPF will offer FFPCUSA more support in nonviolent direct action, and FFPCUSA will bring a large body of work for environmental justice to PPF—a matter that is closely related to many of the other justice and violence-prevention issues PPF addresses.“Climate change is already a cause of war and violence, so including environmental justice more fully in PPF’s work helps us more fully live into our commitment to nonviolence and preventing war,” said Emily Brewer, Executive Director of Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. “PPF supports divesting from fossil fuels because we know from the New Testament that Jesus cares what we do with our money. Knowing this, we cannot continue to fund violence caused by the greed and destruction of the fossil fuel industry. We are honored to come more closely alongside FFPCUSA in this work.”The move comes at a crucial time for Presbyterians.  The next few months will determine whether several important environmental issues will be on the agenda when the 223rd General Assembly meets in 2018, including whether the denomination as a whole should divest from the fossil fuel industry.  In July, Hudson River Presbytery passed unanimously “On Directing the Board of Pensions and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation to Divest from Fossil Fuel and Actively Invest in Securities That Focus on Renewable Energy,” an overture wholeheartedly endorsed by both Fossil Free PCUSA and Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. In mid-September, San Jose Presbytery concurred with the overture, officially putting it on the docket of the 223rd General Assembly in St. Louis. Other presbyteries will be considering the same or similar resolutions in the coming months.“We are delighted to connect our work of responding to the urgency of climate change with the work of Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. As Presbyterians, we live by faith and by the biblical call to love creation with our whole selves—with our hearts, minds, souls, and wallets. For the sake of the Gospel, we work in solidarity with people who are already experiencing the affects of climate change, like war, floods, hurricanes, as well as people who have no other option but to work for the fossil fuel industry,” said the rev. abby mohaupt, Moderator of Fossil Free PC(USA).In this partnership, both Fossil Free PCUSA and Presbyterian Peace Fellowship reaffirm a commitment to nonviolence, caring for creation, and working against racism in the Church and the world. Want to organize your presbytery to concur with the overture? Visit PPF and FFPCUSA are stronger because of this new relationship. And we cannot do this work without you. In addition to supporting the overture, can you give $31--the number of Presbyteries we hope will concur with the overture--or more to support this work and celebrate this new partnership with us? 

About PPF and Fossil Free PCUSA

The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship started in the 1940s to support Conscientious Objectors to World War II, a war in which objection was quite unpopular. Since its birth PPF has continued to be a prophetic voice in the church, urging the abolition of war and encouraging Presbyterians to enact peace in the midst of the broken world. They have helped lead the PC(USA) to take bold stances in the face of violence. In 2015, the PPF Activist Council voted to divest its own endowment from the top 200 carbon companies. Since then, they have been committed to helping the PC(USA) and other Presbyterian bodies and individuals do the same. www.presbypeacefellowship.orgFossil Free PC(USA) is a grassroots organization working within the PCUSA since 2012 to challenge the denomination to respond faithfully to climate change. They have led a growing campaign to divest PCUSA funds from oil, gas and coal companies as one step toward a faithful and sustainable future. In 2014, 12 presbyteries concurred with the overture to divest from fossil fuels; in 2016, 31 presbyteries concurred. Besides working on an overture to GA in 2018, they have been encouraging synods, presbyteries, congregations and individuals to divest their own holdings in fossil fuels. 


rev. abby mohaupt ( 815-985-8325)Emily Brewer ( 929-251-3277)


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