Apply to be a PPF General Assembly Intern

Be bold. Nonviolence works!

We are a wide network of peacemakers who engage issues of both national and international import. Our call is to be movers and shakers within the PC(USA) and beyond, encouraging one another to take seriously God’s call to God’s people to participate in God’s nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world. From supporting pacifists in their claim for conscientious objection sixty years ago to supporting nonviolent direct action in situation of conflict today, PPF's first commitment is to follow the Prince of Peace.

The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship seeks to involve several young adults* to the 225th General Assembly (June 2022) to help promote peace in the PC(USA) through advocacy and witness. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about peacemaking and organizing in, for, and with our church.

Because this GA will be entirely online for observers, we're still figuring out what our witness will look like! Intern responsibilities might include, and are not limited to: supporting in PPF's virtual Peace Breakfast and Progressive Partners Briefing; testifying during open hearings; organizing and leading non-violent demonstrations; writing and social media contributions.

We anticipate most of the work being remote and virtual, but some opportunities for organizing training and other events may arise, which PPF will provide travel, housing, and at least some meals for.

Application closes Friday, January 7, 2022. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: Sunday, January 16

Questions? Contact David Ensign ( or Colleen Earp (

*Suggested guideline for "young adult" is a person in their 20s.


My body tells me: before there was harm, there was miracle.


A Veteran's Day Reflection