Faculty at PCUSA-Related Seminaries Call for the Denomination to Divest Immediately from Fossil Fuels

This week, faculty at theological seminaries affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) called for the denomination to fully divest the Board of Pensions and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation from fossil fuel industries.

More than 30 faculty members, some of whom are PCUSA elders or ministers serving non-PCUSA seminaries, have signed onto the letter, which concurs with Hudson River Presbytery’s overture to General Assembly calling for the immediate divestment of denominational portfolios from fossil fuel industries. Further, the seminary faculty concur with the overture’s call for these funds be moved into a renewable-energy portfolio.

“It is every Christian’s deepest obligation to love the earth as the Creator does and to try to prevent its utter devastation. The Bible constantly links the destruction of nature with the devastating effects of injustice,” said Wendy Farley, Director of Program in Christian Spirituality, San Francisco Theological Seminary.

“While fossil fuels have afforded us many innovations over the last century, the time has come to realize that the costs now outweigh the benefits,” said William P. Brown, the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary. “It is time to transition to a clean energy economy and in so doing embrace a more sustainable future for all God’s creation.”

A full text of the letter and a list of all the signatories can be found at https://www.fossilfreepcusablog.org/


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