Meet Ruth: 100th Activist Council Member

Ruth Hamilton of Washington, D.C. recently signed up online to become a member of the PPF Activist Council. It didn't take long for her to do, but once she clicked "submit" at the bottom of the form, she helped us reach an important milestone.One hundred people have now joined the Activist Council!What is the Activist Council? It's really like the hands and feet of PPF—the hands and feet in the world working for peace. Anyone who commits to follow the nonviolent way of Jesus and be active in and contribute to the work of PPF is welcome.

Ruth found her way to activism when her brothers became conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War. As a college student she was the San Antonio spokesperson against the draft. "I have seen my whole ministry as peacemaking work," Ruth said, "and now after 33 years of being ordained it seemed time to become even more intentional in supporting the work of other activists in PPF and helping shape PCUSA advocacy." Joining the Activist Council was a perfect next step.

Ruth also recently returned from serving as an accompanier in Colombia. "The PPF Accompaniment Program was the right way for me to get out of my comfort zone in SW DC and look at our ministry from a new perspective." You can read about her experiences there in her accompanier reports.As a group and as individuals, Activist Council members lead and participate in nonviolent actions and demonstrations, set the priorities of the PPF, and elect the members to serve on the Executive Committee. The group meets twice a year in locations around the country, and now is a great time to get involved and come to the next meeting which is in Chicago April 27-29. The registration deadline is April 3."Peacemaking is a seamless garment and I think the Activist Council will be a way to see the whole picture of God's peace and justice and support and encourage one another," Ruth concluded. Thank you for becoming our 100th member, Ruth! You can sign up to become number 101 here.


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