Museum of the Palestinian People

Bshara Nassar, Founding Director of the Museum of The Palestinian People, a 501 C (3) non-profit organization, recently announced the formation of the Museum and the launch of its website.The Museum will gather, preserve and share the richness of Palestinian historic and contemporary art, history, culture and stories. The Museum will be a welcoming space for education, reflection and conversation where visitors – virtual or in person – explore the creativity, culture, history of the Palestinian people with special emphasis on resilience and aspirations under occupation and exile.The Museum, which will be based in Washington DC, will serve as a vibrant and stimulating destination where artists, scholars, academics, patrons and visitors will engage, enrich and honor all aspects of Palestinian, culture, history and artistic expression. The plan for the Museum includes space for permanent and temporary exhibits plus study, reflection, education and community events.The Museum website will eventually engage the global community through virtual and augmented reality exhibits, streaming video, blogs, personal stories and social media. New capabilities will be added to the website as funding allows even before the Museum opens.The Museum concept evolved from the Nakba Museum Project, a series of traveling exhibits staged in over 30 communities around the USA.“Our vision for the Museum is to serve as the leading center for the celebration of Palestinian artistic expression and as a global community for the Palestinian diaspora. We are excited to embark on this journey and we are looking forward to collaborating with stakeholders, partners and supporters in the United States, in Palestine and around the world”, said Bshara Nassar.If you have any questions or would like more information about the Museum, email me in my role as a Trustee of the new Museum at


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