No Muslim Registry

I went for a walk down Pennsylvania Avenue with our Muslim brothers and sisters about the Muslim registry. It was organized by and DRUM. We marched from the Justice Deaprtment to the White House.There is an open petition asking President Obama to shut down the NSEERS. 133,000 people have signed. Please give it your consideration.Some people have said that they would not let a registry happen; our Muslim brothers and sisters remind us that the NSEERS program happened. Families, and neighborhoods were devastated. We heard testimony of people who registered and who then were taken through a deportation process. Over 80,000 people were registered based on profiling only. "It didn't result in a single terrorism conviction."We need to give thought to the ugly history of the Palmer raids, and the Japanese internment. These actions did not make us safer.Representatives from People for the American Way, and Rabbi Jason-Kimelman-Block also spoke.Links


Finding My Footing - Naming My Support


2017 Peaceseeker Award Goes to Abby Mohaupt of Fossil Free PCUSA for Prophetic & Pastoral Leadership for Creation Care