On the Road for the Walk for a Fossil Free World

By rev. abby mohaupt and Rev. Emily BrewerWhat big action do we do to make the urgency of climate change clear to the Presbyterian Church (USA)? After five years of talking about overtures and thinking about strategy, it’s become clear that we need to do something that visually represents the dramatic implications of climate change.​So, in January, a group of people from Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and Fossil Free PCUSA announced a 260 mile journey from Louisville to St. Louis this June—a walk that will center the stories and experiences of communities on the front lines of climate change. More details about the walk are available in the FAQ.From January 31-February 3, we traveled from New York City to Chicago and back, holding public conversations in Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Princeton.We’ve had good, energetic and enthusiastic interactions with people, as people have supported the walk with their ideas and money. Some people have even registered for the walk. Here are the three things that we’re really coming away with:

  1. We realized that we needed to do a call for artists and musicians for the walk, particularly people who can add beauty, ritual, and liturgy to our shared walking and worship time.
  2. There were also a lot of people who were concerned about workers in the fossil fuel industry. We had great conversation about retraining and supporting workers. We support retraining and we support workers. We remembered that there are people who are already dying from climate change.
  3. We also talked with people who were interested in how we invite people in along the way; how do we create inclusive and welcoming community along the way?

Want to support the walk?

  • Register here to walk all or part of the journey.
  • Give here. During this trip, we raised $2,005 to match a $2,000 generous match from three friends of the walk. Thank you for your generosity– already and in the future!
  • Help plan the walk by joining a working group on Fundraising, Media, Logistics, or Content. Contact us to join this work.
  • Endorse the walk as a congregation, Presbytery, or non-profit by contacting us.
  • Share our Facebook event or website with three of your friends today.

Walking to Pray for Creation this Lent


A Vigil for Peace at the U.S. Embassy