Will You Join Us?

Will you join us? This Pentecost, the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship is raising $12,000 to support our ongoing work to end gun violence, accompany our partners in Colombia and Mexico, build a network of peace churches, and more.

We’re also coming out of a deep focus on the Black Lives Matter call to defund the police. While the direction of this work is still emerging, it is clear that people of faith are called to participate in this movement for peace and real safety, and your gifts will also go to support that work as it continues to take shape. Thank you. 

We will split half of all the money we raise with our accompaniment partners in the Presbyterian Church of Colombia (IPC). Since 2004, PPF has been accompanying the IPC as they work for safety and peace, but because of the pandemic we have not been able to accompany in person since March 2020. At the request of the IPC, accompaniment doesn't usually include financial support, but given the reality of the pandemic and the precarious political situation in Colombia, sending financial support is one way we can accompany them at this time. Gifts to the IPC go to support communities who are working to live out the peace accords through education, mutual aid, and more. These are the building blocks of peace, and it’s an honor to support their work in this way.

IPC partners with Rev. Emily Brewer

Thank you for your generosity.

Read more of Alison Wood's reflection Accompanying Each Other Into A World Without Police and all of the other writings on defunding the police.


No Air


Accompanying Each Other Into A World Without Police