Prayer for 10th Anniversary of Kairos Palestine

This prayer in honor of the 10th anniversary of Kairos Palestine was written by Rev. Annanda Barclay, the Associate Pastor at first Presbyterian Church in Palo Alto, California. She also serves on the board of More Light Presbyterians and was a delegate on the 2017 Interfaith Network for Justice in Palestine Delegation.71 years ago today was the beginning of the Palestinian Nakba, or catastrophe, when thousands of Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their homes. Today is also the 10th anniversary of the Kairos Palestine document, written by Palestinian Christians calling for justice for Palestinians, an end to the Occupation, and for Christians around the world to stand with them. We encourage you to use this prayer, written by Rev. Annanda Barclay for this anniversary and words from the Kairos Document in your community.

“Our word is a cry of hope, with love, prayer and faith in God. We address it first of all to ourselves and then to all the churches and Christians in the world, asking them to stand against injustice and apartheid, urging them to work for a just peace.”

God of all traditions,We give you thanks for the gift of life that is intended for your good purpose.On this anniversary day, let our mouths speak what our eyes have seen in your Holy Land.Forgive us for our silence and fear.Silence, like occupation, protects no one.We cry out to you alongside our Christian siblings in Palestine, and anti-occupation allies whose lives and faiths compel them to address blatant human suffering.Give us strength to continue the resistance of evil with good Christian love. True liberation is always already found in the abiding love of God.As we join in the global effort to be signs of hope in the face of hopelessness, may we be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. For the road is not easy, nor the journey short.In noble heart, we on this anniversary day and in the life-filled days ahead take courage to do what is loving and honest. May we no longer let the chaos of trauma rule the day. May we challenge the powers and principalities of this suffering with Christ’s love.God, move our lips. Ignite our limbs. Hear our prayer. Amen.


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