Statement on Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

We are heartbroken and angry at Trump’s announcement Wednesday that he plans to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

There are no embassies in Jerusalem, because the world knows that Jerusalem is a key piece of any kind of lasting peace deal and to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would undermine any kind of peace deal. Trump’s pronouncement is an endorsement of Israel’s expanding illegal colonization of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, and it is wrong. It undermines decades of work toward peace.

When the Interfaith Network for Justice in Palestine Delegation was in Jerusalem this summer, they saw first-hand the settlements in East Jerusalem. Many of the settlements were new—buildings owned by Palestinians that had been taken over by Israeli settlers in the last few years. These settlements are illegal under international law, and this most recent announcement from the Trump administration endorses this illegal and peace-prohibiting campaign of expansion that displaces Palestinians their and strips of their rights.

Palestinians have called for mass action in response to this announcement. PPF encourages everyone to find a way to participate in nonviolent direct action, advocacy, and prayer:

  • Call your congressperson to tell them that recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will not build peace

  • Join a protest or demonstration in your area

  • Pray for real peace with justice in Palestine and Israel

The gospel writers speak about “wars and rumors of wars” in this Advent season. Now, by means of corrupt human leaders, we are moving into that reality. Come, Jesus, come, and upend these powers that be.


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