Resources for this time of uprising

Register here for our Virtual Coffee Hour this Friday. We be connecting with Israel-Palestine Mission Network about the upcoming action to counter Christian Zionism, and we will also take time for grief, anger, and processing about this moment and our response.Register here for our Book Club, reading How to be an Antiracist, which will begin later this summer.Register here for Peace Camp, which will include teach-ins about white supremacy and anti-racism.Many black leaders and organizations have long been calling to defund the police. This may feel like a large and overwhelming concept, and it also feels essential to listen to grassroots leaders. Here are some resources. We are in deep discussion in PPF about how to act on this demand. Contact Katie (katie@presbypeacefellowship.org) if you want to engage with this and Sign this petition to defund the Minneapolis Police. Google to find out what black organizers are calling for in your local area.Many local organizations have maxed out on received donations we join them in directing people to donate to these grassroots community orgs in Minneapolis.Our shared Pentecost fundraiser for PPF and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers continues and we welcome support. The impact of Covid-19 on essential farmworkers does not cease in a time of mass uprising. Brutal police murder, farmworker abuse, global pandemic, economic catastrophe: we are in a profoundly difficult and complex time and the needs are great and intersecting. We have raised nearly $5,000 of our $8,000 goal.If you are participating in protest: Risk, Courage, Discernment: Spiritual Preparation for Action, Covid-19 protocols remain as essential as possible in a context of mass protest. Wear a mask and bring hand sanitizer, water, and snacks.There are so many roles to play in a movement, including but not only protesting. It's a great time to let yourself reflect on what role is good and right for you.

"Social Justice is our Love Lived in the World" Peace Camp Devotional by Bruce Reyes-Chow


A Prayer for Pentecost in Uprising - BLACK LIVES MATTER