Totally Not Qualified and Learning...

This post is from community member Rachel BettyOver the past 2 and half months now I’ve been working at Green Opportunities. It’s a place that does job training classes for adults and also offers a job club for people to get help working on resumes and cover letters and finding jobs. I’m working as a case manger for 25 and up. Talk about feeling totally not qualified for something and terrified. But that’s YAV year right y’all?I’m slowly but surely getting into a rythymn learning how to be a case manger thanks to so many amazing people teaching me. It’s a lot of learning to take what’s thrown at you and accomplishing it quickly. My main job is taking away barriers for people who are trying to get jobs. An example would be like not having a birth certificate or a socal security card. This would make applying for a job nearly impossible.I’m really starting to get a feel for the love of the community Green Opportunities has and the way that shows in everything that happens here. We are graduating students this week and I am genuinely going to miss all of them. It’s so cool forming relationships with these people and feeling more and more apart of the community.Super excited for all the challenges and learning I’ll continue to have.(How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1)


In solidarity with locked out Honeywell workers


Finding my Job