What's NEXT? - This is a crucial moment for people of faith to take action to prevent gun violence

The NEXT Church Conference in Baltimore was three days full of creative worship, inspiring ministries, and faithful people who want to see the Church thrive and grow into who we are called to be in the 21st Century.Members of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Activist Council were there leading workshops, learning, meeting other engaged Presbyterians, and talking about how PPF is actively living out the Church’s call to be hopeful and creative peacemakers in an often-violent world.People were particularly interested in how they can be involved in gun violence prevention in their communities and how we as Presbyterians from all over the country can support the Parkland students who survived a shooting incident at their high school on February 14 and are now a leading voice in the national call for sensible gun laws. Rev. Margery Rossi, convenor of the PPF Gun Violence Prevention Working Group, led both a workshop and a more informal lunchtime conversation with about 50 people combined. Here are some of the highlights about how to be involved:

  • Download the Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit and use it in your faith community
  • Organize or a join a group to participate in the March 24 March for Our Lives in DC or one of many sister marches around the country (and use #PresbysMarchForOurLives on social media so we can share your posts!). There will be a PPF group marching together in Washington, D.C. Email us for details if you would like to join.
  • Call and write your senators and representatives and ask them to ban all assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
  • Use this sample service  in your church
  • Stay tuned for webinars that will help equip you to talk about and take action to prevent gun violence in your community


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