Why I'm Going to Treaty People Gathering

Hundreds of people are attending Treaty People Gathering in Minnesota this weekend. Many of us are attending as part of an interfaith delegation with the support of GreenFaith, and some of us are members of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship.

The first reason I am attending is because we’ve been asked to attend by the indigenous leaders of the TPG. They put out a call for people of faith to join them and so many of us are responding to that call. The second reason I am joining is because I believe our country, our civilization and the world as we know it is on the precipice of disaster. How many alarms have to go off before we get the message that our climate is on fire? Scientists warn that one more tipping point may be the one that results in an domino of events and disasters that we will not be able to control.

It is past time for us to act for the survival of this gift of creation that has been bestowed on us. Let us act now for the sake of the world we all love and for the sake of future generations.

Here are some ways you can take action now:

  1. Call President Biden!
  2. Attend the virtual rally from the ground on Sunday, June 6, 6-7pm CT 
  3. Host an action hour in your congregation or community where you let people know about Line 3 and help them take action. All the materials are in English and Spanish.
  4. Defund the pipeline by divesting and organizing others to divest from Line 3.  Learn more about divestment here.
  5. Donate towards the cost of our delegation.

With gratitude for Creation,
Rev. Geoff Browning
Peacemaking Advocate
Presbytery of San Jose


Listen to Winona LaDuke at the Treaty People Gathering


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