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Stay connected with the latest updates from Presbyterian Peace Fellowship! Our blog and news page is your go-to source for stories of activism, reflections on social justice, and insights into our ongoing efforts to promote peace and nonviolence.

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Nonviolent resistance is the only thing that will ultimately save Ukraine

So rather than saying, "Nonviolent resistance is also good and worth supporting" I am of the opinion that nonviolent resistance is the only thing that will ultimately save Ukraine. I believe there is much more nonviolent resistance happening than we here in this country know about, and even the corporate media that loves to beat the drums of war has reported on some of it.

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It's time for the PC(USA) to join the global movement for divestment from Fossil Fuels

With this recommendation to divest from five fossil fuel companies, the PCUSA also has the opportunity to support a wide array of climate and environmental justice overtures and recommendations in our General Assembly. We must be willing as a denomination to boldly support these endeavors from a place of faith...

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We Don’t Build Peace by Avoiding Tension

The work of peace-making that Dr. King was calling us towards all those years ago is coming to fruition in the modern movement to abolish the prison industrial complex.

We are all those disciples who come to Jesus worn out by the scarcity mindset we’ve inherited from capitalism, and Jesus calls us to try a new way - God’s way - a way of abundance.

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A Veteran's Day Reflection

Our failed war in Afghanistan of 20 years should be a flashing red light and blaring siren of warning of the futility of war and military adventurism.

Back in 1998 Secretary of State Madeline Albright famously declared, “If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall.” With those words...

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The Third Displacement

Reflecting on the situations families are facing in trying to seek justice under the law, this pastor asked, “Is the law just the strong hand of the rich?”It seems like the answer is yes. The IPC keeps pushing for peace with justice, and keeps accompanying the victims and survivors of violence. Our role is to keep listening, keep learning, and keep walking alongside the IPC as they raise these questions. 

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Violence in Afghanistan not inevitable

The crisis in Afghanistan right now as the United States pulls out after two decades of war is only inevitable (as President Biden has said it is) if we think war is inevitable. The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship condemns military action by any party to a conflict, holding it to be usually counter-productive and always contrary to the Christian gospel.

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